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Year Groups

Please click on the required year group for termly curriculum information for each year.

For information regarding "Early Learning Goals" for EYFS, please click on the Reception class link 

At present, the school children are divided by age, into seven teaching groups. The maximum permitted class size in Key Stage 1 (KS1) is 30 children for one teacher. The school is well-equipped and each child works with books and materials most suitable for them.  The children are encouraged to work both independently and in groups. The core curriculum subjects are English, Mathematics, Science, Computing and Religious Education. The foundation subjects are Design & Technology, History, Geography, Music, Art, Physical Education and PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education).  In Key Stage 2, (Years 3-6), children also learn French.

Our results for Teacher Assessment at 7 years (end of KS1) and for National Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) taken at 11 years (end of KS2) can be viewed on the school results page on our website. 

In an ever-changing world, we believe in the importance of teaching our pupils set core values explicitly. Every month a different value is introduced to the children. Our core values are:

Respect Belonging Happiness Friendship
Unity Freedom Love Peace
Hope Honesty Trust Simplicity
Thoughtfulness Understanding Appreciation Compassion
Quality Confidence Fairness Co-operation
Courage Responsibility