Parish News

February 2019
Thank you to all the mums (and sometimes dads!) who join us for the Rosary in the church at 9.10 am after school drop off. Everyone is welcome. Thank you too for the mums who have volunteered to clean the church, greatly appreciated. We are still in need of more volunteers to help with the tea and coffee rota after the 10.30 am Mass on a Sunday, if you feel you can help, please see Mary in the parish office.
First Reconciliation and Holy Communion preparation programme, please note the next event for the children is Thursday 14th February for First Reconciliation in the Church at 5pm or 6pm (whichever group the children have been allocated). Please note NO class on Thursday 7th February.
The Club House Project – parish home charity, provides person centred support to young adults here in our community with moderate to severe learning disabilities. (The Charity is based in the hired facilities of the Old Georgian Clubhouse) Another big thank you to the teachers and children at St. Charles Borromeo School who knitted and sold Christmas stockings at their Christmas Fair to raise funds for the TCP.
New beginnings – 1st Thursday Social Club. On the first Thursday of every month we are starting a new social gathering, serving tea/coffee/cakes from 10.30 – 12.30 pm in the parish hall. We will often have entertainment, an activity or a guest. Please spread the word and if any parents want to come and also bring elderly parents as well, all warmly welcomed. Our first gathering will be on Thursday 7th March. Our new committee of The Club House Project will be running the event and money will go towards the charity and Cafod.
Lourdes information evening on Wednesday 27th February 7.30 pm in the parish hall a deanery information evening about the A&B Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. It will last one hour and is designed to help people who are unsure about Lourdes and would like to go, but have a number of questions. Families are also catered for in the family groups.
Baby Loss Matters- Our parish is participating in Baby Loss Matters, an initiative by the national prolife Charity Life, to create memorial spaces in churches across the country for those lost before, during or shortly after birth for any reason. Our memorial space, now set up, includes prayer cards, as well as details of support services. Both memorial and resources are for anyone who wishes to use them. Whether you are personally affected or not, please visit the memorial and pray for those who are.
This weekend we will be also be holding a Collection for Life for their vital services, giving practical and emotional support to women in crisis pregnancies and suffering after the loss of a baby.
For more information on Life’s work locally see
Please note Women’s World Day of prayer is being hosted by the Methodist church, Heath road Weybridge on Friday 1st March at 2pm. Refreshments are served in the hall after. They are delighted to welcome especially mums from the school.
Saturday 9th March 7.45 pm, memorial concert at St. James Church, Weybridge, in aid of Cafod and music therapy. ‘Any Colour you Like’ performance of the music of Pink Floyd. Tickets £14 in advance or go online
Retrouvaille – A lifeline for married couples – 8th – 10th March at Welwyn Garden City. Please contact if you are interested. Michael & Frances 07887 296983
Or Julie & Gearoid 07973 380443 for further information or email:
Enjoy your half term this month!
Mary Lee