English is the basic language of communication in this country and its mastery is a prerequisite for educational progress. It is the foundation for almost all the learning which takes place in our school. It is essential for independent learning, the world of work and most other aspects of everyday life.
In keeping with our mission statement at St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School, we aim to provide a stimulating and challenging language environment for all pupils. Within this environment, we are committed to:
- building upon the children’s existing skills.
- recognising and valuing the culture and language background of each child.
- supporting individual needs at different developmental stages.
- encouraging levels of personal excellence.
English is a core subject in the National Curriculum. The fundamental skills, knowledge and concepts are set out in the Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 areas of the National Curriculum where they are categorised into 4 attainment targets:
- Reading
- Writing
- Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and Vocabulary
- Spoken Language
Please click here to link to the Reading / Phonics area of our school website.
Our children need to develop a passion and skill for writing in which they feel comfortable in experimenting with different styles and formats. From the Foundation Stage, all children’s attempts at writing, including emergent writing, are valued and built upon, so that children appreciate the importance of their writing in conveying meaning to the reader. During Key Stage 2, pupils learn to write more independently and alter the way they write to suit different situations, purposes and audiences.
Underpinning our writing:
- Exciting stimuli (books, film, art, writers, drama, songs), and cross curricular
- Sharing of ideas
- Modelling writing
- Planning and story mapping
- Drafting and editing
- Oral rehearsal and oral revision (please encourage this at home too)
- Aids to support the writing process e.g. use of letter and word mats and banks, handwriting paper, statutory word lists
- Re-reading, proofreading
- Peer assessment and 'Must Haves'
- Focus on presentation (pen license, lined paper, handwriting practice)
- Writing for a purpose and an audience
- Spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
- Teacher feedback
Please find below writing grids for Years 1 to 6.
National Curriculum for English - Please CLICK HERE to link to the DfE "English programmes of study for Key Stages 1 and 2"
The English curriculum includes a strong emphasis on vocabulary development, grammar, punctuation and spelling. All literacy lessons have a ‘SPaG’ (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) focus to help prepare children for end of key stage assessments and to ultimately develop greater fluency in writing.
We use Spelling Shed to provide a spelling curriculum for Years 1 to 6, with a scheme of work organised into 36 weekly word lists for each year group, embedding logical progression and review.
Year 2 Spellings List
Years 3 and 4 Spellings List
Years 5 and 6 Spellings List