Relationships and Sex Education
At St Charles we are committed to the education of the whole child (spiritual, physical, intellectual, moral, social, cultural, emotional) and we believe that relationship and sex education is an integral part of this education. Furthermore, our school will endeavour to raise pupils’ self-esteem, help them to grow in knowledge and understanding, recognise the value of all persons and develop caring and sensitive attitudes. It is in this context that we commit ourselves to “positive and prudent” sex education (‘Declaration on Christian Education’, Vatican II, 1965). It is characterised by a whole person, whole school, and developmental approach (Education in Sexuality, Catholic Education Service) thus setting it firmly within our distinctively Christian vision of education.
Children will learn to:
* Know that they are a unique creation of God and so are able to grow in self-respect developing a positive attitude to themselves, their feelings and their sexuality
* Understand that self-giving love is central to relationships
* Recognise the importance of forgiveness and saying sorry in relationships
* Understand the reasons for self-respect, and why they should act with respect and responsibility in their relationships
* Reflect on their own relationships recognising those qualities that help relationships grow
* Develop knowledge, communication skills and understanding in order to help personal decision-making
* Act responsibly as an individual and as a member of a group
* Identify and have the confidence to talk about their emotions and how to respond to them positively
* Communicate a point of view clearly and appropriately and listen to the views of others
* Take responsibility for oneself and for one’s actions
* Come to understand the influence and impact of the media, Internet, peer groups and therefore develop the ability to assess pressures and respond appropriately
* Explore and respond appropriately to prejudice and gender stereotyping
* Think positively about their own body
* Understand, in ways appropriate to their age and developmental needs, the changes that they will undergo in puberty
* Know the correct vocabulary for external body parts, sexual organs and menstruation
* Take care of themselves, their health, safety and personal hygiene
* Keep themselves safe and ask for support when needed
* Become aware of good choices and wrong choices and their consequences
* Manage relationships with friends confidently and effectively
* Develop the ability to form positive, non-exploitative relationships and reject bullying
* Explore and reflect on their own experience of people who are married
* Develop an understanding of the family, an appreciation of the values of family life and the roles and responsibilities of family members
* Develop an understanding of the family as a spiritual community in which members can grow in faith, hope and love
* Understand that the difference between male and female is part of God’s loving and creative plan
* Recognise and appreciate the Catholic belief in the importance of marriage for family life and the bringing up of children Policy for Relationship and Sex Education
The RSE curriculum is delivered using a Diocesan recommended scheme, Life to the Full. This programme enshrines Catholic values relating to the importance of stable relationships, marriage and family life. It also promotes those virtues which are essential in responding to God’s call to love others with a proper respect for their dignity and the dignity of the human body. Whilst promoting Catholic values and virtues and teaching in accordance with Church teaching, we will ensure that pupils are offered a balanced programme by ensuring that they receive clear scientific information.