Sports Premium
We are proud of the PE curriculum and sporting opportunities that we have on offer at St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School. We believe that sport not only contributes to the physical development of pupils but also makes a significant contribution to pupils' personal well-being and enjoyment of school. Our aim is to provide at least two hours of PE provision per week, whether it be through direct sports teaching during curriculum time or through lunchtime or extra-curricular after school provision.
PE Curriculum
We have used the Primary School Sport Premium to enhance our provision by focusing on the use of specialist coaches to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sporting provision for all pupils in addition to providing staff development.
Our highly skilled PE teachers, Mr Seuke and Mr Mazzone, work with classes from Reception through to Year 6. Class teachers work alongside them to enhance their own skills in PE teaching.
In Years 3-6 teachers have the opportunity to work alongside specialist sports coaches in sports such as hockey, rugby and lacrosse, with children in Years 3 and 4 receiving hockey and rugby coaching and children in Years 5 and 6 receiving specialist hockey and lacrosse coaching.
In addition, Year 3, 4 and 5 pupils have swimming lessons at Hurst pool with suitably qualified staff. This is tailored to their swimming ability, and they have the opportunity to gain recognised swimming awards. Please click on the 'swimming' link on the right of this page for more information about our swimming provision.
Year 6's residential visit focusses on outdoor and adventurous activity challenges such as rock climbing, abseiling, canoeing and orienteering.
Year 4 also take part in outdoor learning at their residential at Juniper Hall in Dorking.
Extra-Curricular and Competitive Sport
Over the course of the academic year we offer a range of sports clubs after school for various year groups including:
Multi Sports | Key Stage 1 and 2 |
Netball | Years 4, 5 and 6 |
Football | Key Stage 1 and 2 |
Cross Country | Key Stage 2 |
Street Dance | Key Stage 1 and 2 |
Dodgeball | Key Stage 2 |
We are an active member of ERPSSA (Elmbridge Runnymede Primary School Sports Association) and we take part in a number of football, netball, cricket, rugby, athletics, lacrosse and hockey competitions over the course of the year.
We also have a partnership with WWHSP (Walton Weybridge Hersham Sports Partnership) hosted by Cleves School which aims to provide a wide range of local competitions and festival opportunities across all age groups and abilities.
Some of the sports premium funding is used to cover supply and travel costs so that children can attend sports functions during and after the school day.
We remain an inclusive school with all children given the opportunity to represent their school at sport competitively (against another school/s) at least once in their life at St Charles; for many this will be more than once in a multitude of sports. In 2017, we had a team representing Elmbridge in the Surrey Youth Games for Boccia which was a real honour for some of our SEND children.
If a child wishes to represent their school before they leave primary school, we will do our very best to accommodate this request regardless of ability.
Participation levels remain high at St Charles and enjoyment of PE is clearly evident in PE lessons with over 90% of pupils commenting that they like their PE lessons.
Sports Premium allows the school to utilise the best possible coaching opportunities ranging from specialist PE teaching in Reception to Year 6 led by Mr Seuke and Mr Mazzone, to more specialist coaching in such areas as hockey, football, lacrosse and cricket. Where specialist coaching is deployed, teachers assist the coaches as part of their own professional development.
Specialist Street Dance lessons are also provided after school, as well as interactive programs such as 'Activate' used by our Key Stage 1 and Reception children at the start of their school day.
High levels of physical activity and engagement in sport continues to be a key strength of the school and we believe that this can help to develop confidence in our pupils, coupled with a strong sense of belonging to a team.
Our aim is for all children to have access to sport and where possible every child who wishes to is given the opportunity to represent their school at least once in a sporting fixture whilst attending St Charles School and for children to be active, healthy children.
Most importantly, our children are enjoying sport and having fun!
Please CLICK HERE to link to information regarding our PE Curriculum